Adam Ahmad - Online Memorial Website

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Adam Ahmad
Born in Canada
12 years
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Ammi My sweetheart November 23, 2015
I feel so sad, I need your hugs. Every Day Adam every single day I still cry for you. I am breathing and living my life but I feel so dead inside. How is it possible that you were so young but still you were mine and even without words you just understood me. Now I am so lost and hurt, how come there is no one who will be mine like you and Aish. I wonder that I still talk to you everyday do you get my messeges?  I love you this much and I think Allah loves us more then 70 mothers, So he knows right.. everything, every pain, every joy, all tears, all laughs, He knows my heart and soul, I don't need to prove nothing to anyone. I miss your kind words, your smile, your hugs, your kisses, the way you treated me like I am a Princess :) You were not just my kid You were my Soul Mate. XOXO, I miss you meri Jaan 
Asma Miss you September 17, 2015

I miss you so much. October is coming and one more year without you. Who would've thought I could survive without you. Not a day goes by when I don’t cry for you. I wish you would just come back to me. More then half of my life I just loved you and some times I get so scared that what if you have forgotten about me , Do you remember I am still your mom ?

zareen anjum

Hi adam :]

happy birthday

i miss you very much and i miss those times when we were little going camping :) auto show,, screaming when greece won the soccer euro cup :) i rememeber you were so happy when you came to rochester or how you would say it "rochesterville" hahaha we played soccer in the backyard and you got to see the deers in the park also when we were walking at night in the park with your mom and mine and they were scared so we had sticks to fight the animals away :) i'll never forget those times when we were both little... we miss you so much adam we'll never forget you





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